Brian_Johnson Newbie
Joined: 26 Oct 2010 Posts: 10
IC part:
What is your full name?: Brian Andrew Johnson
Age?: 23
Where do you live?: Juniper Hollow, San Fierro
What is your phone number?:
Have you ever been arrested and/or jailed?: No
Why do you want to join SAPD?: Because I'm that person who want's to defend the people and enforce law and order, I respect the law, I always co-operate if something happens, I never resist, I'm also experienced with many law related matters.
Why do you think you're suited for the job as police officer?: Well, I'm really experienced in law enforcement, I take my jobs seriously, especially if it's law enforcement, I'm good at following orders from those higher then me, and I follow rules no matter what, and I respect all my co-officers.
OOC part:
What is RP (Don't just say what it stands for, but explain)?: Role Playing, is when you act like it's real life, example if you get shot, seriously you need to fall, which the fall animation, also you don't instantly take out a gun, you do /me reaches for pistol in holster.
Are you a good RPer? Why do you think you are a good RPer?: Yes, I'm really experienced in rp-ing I've done it on many servers, I act seriously in rp-ing I don't screw it up, because it seriously sucks when someone messes up rp-ing, I respectively use /b for local OOC.
Are you active on the server? If yes, how many hours a day? If no, how many days a week/month?: Yes I am, it depends on the day, but I try my best to come on the server everyday, and if I'm ever in-active I would have a good reason.
Have you ever been banned/kicked/jailed? If yes, why?: No.
Show some /me's and /do's you would use when being a cop.: /me reaches for the pistol in holster. /do You can see the suspect is nervous from his eyes.
What is OOC and IC? OOC stands for: Out Of Character, meaning non-rp stuff just chatting or real life matters. IC stands for In Character, this is for all the rp-ing, and you should speak formally here.
What is metagaming and powergaming (+ give an example)?: Metagaming is when you put OOC matters in IC chat or vice versa, an example, on OOC chat you say hey john let's meet at SFPD. That's metagaming. Powergaming is when you want to achieve the highest possible level through un-fair advantages, example you can create difference characters and give the money to one character. This a big example of powergaming.
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